All orders leverage our FREE standard shipping that provides delivery within 2-5 business days.
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We won't post to any of your accounts
Sign InUp with your social account
We won't post to any of your accounts
All orders leverage our FREE standard shipping that provides delivery within 2-5 business days.
An order confirmation email will be sent with tracking details.
In order to provide the best service possible, our team starts working on orders immediately, and we are unable to change or cancel an order after you've placed it. If you have placed an order in error, return your item once received for a full refund.
In order to provide the best service possible, our team starts working on orders immediately, and we are unable to change or cancel an order after you've placed it. If you have placed an order in error, return your item once received for a full refund.
Shipping addresses cannot be changed. We will only ship to the shipping address entered when the order was originally placed.
At this time, we do not ship internationally.
Please use the contact form found here
Please send an email to with your business contact information.
Please do not return items from multiple orders in a single return.
All returns must be requested within 30 days of purchase.
Returned items must be in unused/unworn condition, in original packaging, and have all original tags/seals intact.
Items marked FINAL SALE in their product description cannot be exchanged or returned at any time.
* We reserve the right to refuse returns that show signs of wear, or do not meet the return policy in full.
Simply return the current item for a full refund following the returns instructions, and then place a new order.